To enter a grade for a student, find the row containing the student’s name and then locate the column for the assignment. Then select the cell by clicking on it. The cell will become highlighted. You may then enter the grade. What will be accepted by the GradeBook program is determined by the grading method used for the assignment (see the section on ‘Grading Methods’ for details). If the data entered is not acceptable, the program will inform you and the cell will revert to its previous state. In addition to the grading information allowed by the grading method, the following data may be entered for all methods:
An empty cell indicates a missed mark. Missed marks count as 45% of the assignment’s worth when computing grades.
Absent. All absences must be resolved before a grade can be computed for the student.
Excused assignment; not used in the calculation of the student’s grade.
Same as EXC.
The program will accept either all upper or all lower case letters.
To enter a bullet (•) for a check mark grade, hold down the ‘option’ key and press the ‘8’ key. The bullet was selected since it is available on all fonts.